In the midnight hour…

It’s 2:45am and I’m still awake. The contractions have started to get closer together, and I’m debating contacting Lewis. For most of the day they were coming every 1- 2 hours. I had a nap from 6:45ish until just after 8pm. When I decided to go to bed at midnight I started keeping track of the contractions and they are now about every 35minutes. They don’t last very long and mostly I’m annoyed because I just want to sleep for a few hours. I took some Tylenol at 2am in an attempt to dull the crampy-ness and let me doze for a little while.

I have a doctors appointment this afternoon so I’d like to hold out until then before I contact Lewis, because they could stay at the every half hour stage for a while longer. But maybe I’ll call him first thing in the morning with a status update anyway…

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