GenCon (August 14th- 18th)

Many of our Chicago based friends go to GenCon every year but this year I decided that Maeve and I would tag along and make a family vacation of it. It was mine and Maeve’s first trip to Indianapolis and GenCon. By the time we rolled up at the hubster’s aunts house where we’d be staying it was 2am. Oof. Maeve of course woke up and we were all up chatting (and chasing the cat in Maeve’s case) until almost 4am!

Day one: I don’t know how many of you have been to conventions and I never really thought I’d take my baby to one but here we were at one of the largest conventions in North America. yikes! I decided to pop Maeve in her stroller rather than carry her all day but this actually ended up being more frustrating for me. I felt cumbersome and clunky and awkward. When Lewis went into his tournament I thought we’d explore the dealers room but as soon as we stepped inside with the stroller I started to feel claustrophobic so I decided to take Maeve out of the con and go for a walk around down town. [Note to self: get an umbrella stroller with a smaller footprint ASAP!]

We walked down to the White River State Park so Maeve could run around and explore, but there weren’t any playgrounds that I found and trees were kind of sparse on this hot day. She had fun, but I worried about her getting too much sun. After a while I put her back in the stroller and we followed the cultural trail through town to look at monuments and historical buildings and stopped for frozen yoghurt. I really liked the decorative paving on the sidewalk and roads to guide you.

Day two: We woke up just before 5am and dressed quickly before bundling a sleepy Maeve into the car and driving to the park again for the Orc Stomp 5k. We had trouble finding parking and thought we were cutting it close arriving with 5 minutes to spare, but then the race didn’t actually start until 6:30am so we had plenty of time to warm up and chat with some other runners. I was one of only 2 people running with a stroller and the other lady hadn’t been planning on doing the run with her baby so her stroller wasn’t a jogging stroller. Apparently her husband had woken up and muttered “take her with you” when she was getting ready :/ Lewis ran with me and Maeve and offered to push for some of it, but I wanted to complete the whole 5k with the stroller and I managed to do it in 33m04s which I was very happy with. That’s almost as good as any race I’ve run without the added resistance. It was a very pretty run through the park and past the zoo, and when you crossed the bridge and turned the corner to head back toward the city it was lovely to see the sun rise over the cityscape.

After the frustrations with the stroller on day one I spent the rest of the weekend wearing Maeve in the Moby wrap. We found the kiddie area for little ones to run free and visited there for some time every day. Maeve was by far the youngest kid running around but I’d rather have her run the risk of getting accidentally knocked down by a rambunctious 4yr old than playing on the sidelines and stick craft beads or small game pieces in her mouth. The area was carpeted and the kids were playing with foam pool noodles so they weren’t going to do too much damage. And there were other chaperones there too to remind them to watch out for the baby. Perhaps I got a few shocked/judgmental looks for letting Maeve dive into the fray, but I was there and I trust her. There were 2 older teen kids who were very good about protecting her and calming down the wilder kids.

Day 3: We got to the parking lot with minutes to spare for Lewis’s event so he gave us the car keys and ran off while we sorted ourselves out slowly and took our time getting to the con. While walking past the mall, Maeve pointed at the door so we took a detour and did a lap of the mall. Then when we were approaching the con I heard an English accent and looked to my left only to see Peter Davidson! I was good and respected his privacy (I know the rules about not stopping the guests in the street, only getting official photo’s etc) but I did fall back so I could get a few back of the head shots 😛

Most of the weekend was spent killing time between Lewis’s events and various meals. Maeve and I would wander through the dealer’s room, stroll around the corridors and spy all the costumed characters, stop and enjoy the busker’s, or go to the kiddies play area.  We tried food from the various food trucks most days rather than going to a proper restaurant. Maeve and I tried a jackalope sausage, some Cajun bourbon chicken and a scrumptious ham sandwich on a pretzel bun, and Maeve had her first corn dog 🙂

All in all I’d say Maeve was a real trooper all weekend. She had to deal with being stuck in a carseat/stroller/moby wrap/high chair for far longer than she likes, she had to put up with noisy crowds and diaper changes in public restrooms and staying up late and getting up early and meals being at random times. She did get cranky and fussy, but it could have been far worse and we had a key to our friends hotel room so we could escape there for quiet time/naps if needed.

I’d like to go to GenCon again but I think next time I’ll let Maeve have her own vacation with Nana & Papa so I can join in some of the gaming fun with out having to worry about nap times and meals and diaper changes 😉

Maeve’s one year check-up

This morning was Maeve’s one year check up. It is also Lewis’ birthday. We woke up, opened some birthday presents in bed and went for a birthday breakfast at our favourite spot before going to the Doctor for her appointment.

Maeve is now 20.2lbs and 30” tall!

Doctor M was very happy with her progress. She said that it’s okay for her not to be talking yet as long as she’s babbling a lot which she is. She’s started making new vocal sounds and sounds like an alien character or something (“b’duk duka ticuh” etc). She commented on her friendly social nature saying that most 1yr olds are dubious of her but I think Maeve is a generally good judge of character. She can be shy with some strangers and friendly with others.
She was given the all clear to eat any food she wants! Yay! And as for the reflux Dr said to try her on the ¼ tablet once a day for a few more weeks and then try stopping altogether! She’s been doing the once a day for 10 days now so I’ll give it to the end of the month and see what happens. I can’t believe we might be done with medicine. She still spits up once in a while, but it’s not even every day now 🙂

After the doctor saw her, she got 3 sets of shots (2 in one arm, 1 in the other). She cried a lot, but the nurse was very quick. Then we went to get blood drawn which #1 was the rotten cherry on the top of the pile of crap that was the 3 shots and #2 was just miserable for all involved 😦 she cried so much and was sobbing throughout. I had to hold her legs between mine and wrap my arms around her so she couldn’t wriggle. The nurse tried twice to find a vein in the arm, when she found a vein she wasn’t able to get any blood so she had to do a pin prick on the finger and collect the blood for 2 vials that way (which of course takes so much longer). Maeve was sobbing, Lewis was unhappy, I wasn’t happy, I felt sorry for the poor young nurse too. It was a rough 10 minutes or so.

Since her birthday she has had a few new things going on:

Pooping. She has started to go to the bathroom door when she needs to poop. It’s only happened a few times. Or she’ll come over to me and want to climb up on my lap for a cuddle and I get a whiff 🙂

Weaning: A few weeks before her birthday we were down to one or two breast feedings per day, then a few days after her birthday I went out for the afternoon and she wasn’t able to have her mid-afternoon snack so she went all day with only sippy cups. I think it was the next day that I managed to distract her and she went 2 days without breastfeeding! I was so surprised when I went to bed that night I had to text Christina 😛 We are now managing to breast feed every 2nd or 3rd day. If she sees my boobs when I’m changing she gets excited and sometimes she’ll grab at my shirt but I can usually offer her a sippy cup or a pacifier and she’s happy. Now I have to hope she doesn’t get too attached/dependant on a pacifier. I’m trying to keep it out of sight and only offer it at nap time and even then only when she’s fussy about going down.

So she’s now 30” tall which means her reach is even longer and not too many surfaces are safe from her grabby little paws. She can also climb, remember?! She can climb onto the loveseat and onto the windowsill behind; she can climb onto the couch and then onto the table behind; the other day we turned around to see that she can climbed onto the windowsill by my bedside and was looking out at the world below!!!; she can move the step stool around the kitchen and has started to attempt to climb it… This morning she wobbled the rack where her food is kept just enough to knock a munchies cup filled with cheerios down. I might have to do some rearranging!

I’ve bought a little harness/leash type thing at Babies R Us. I’m hoping that this way I can wear her when we go out and then when I get tired or she gets fidgety she can walk around without darting into a street. I am also looking at getting a cheap umbrella stroller for some outings so that we can ride the bus if needed. The jogging stroller is great for most trips but it’s a pain to break it down if I want to ride on the bus (and I hate taking up the space on the bus if I don’t break it down).

I love the little person she’s becoming. I look at pictures or read my journal from a year ago and it amazes me. Those first few weeks were a haze of sleep and feeds and now she’s a blur as she zips around the condo.