One Week

Today Maeve reached the one week mark and it’s been a busy week.

I stayed at the hospital until Maeve was 24hrs old but as soon as both of us were given the all clear I was desperate to get home. I was feeling claustrophobic in the hospital room, and even though there was a shower I didn’t have a chance to enjoy it because of the steady stream of doctors and nurses needing information from me or Maeve. I was exhausted and people kept asking if we’d fed recently or pooped and how I was feeling etc. I felt kind of bad that I was finally a mum but that after such a long day all I wanted to do was have a long sleep and a decent shower. I was not physically capable of tending to this child I had just brought into the world. My right knee was still numb (from the epidural?) so getting in and out of bed or going to the bathroom was slow going. Maeve had her first photo shoot (well, aside from the billions taken in L&D by family), Lewis booked an I-Go car and we bundled up our girl to head home at just before 9pm on Thursday 19th.

We arrived home on Thursday evening to some parcels for miss Maeve and the cards and gifts continue to come. We are rather overflowing with cute clothes and stuffed animals and I’m hoping today to go through some of the clothing at least and see what we’ll actually use. So far she’s only worn 2 outfits- her coming home onesie which was on the snug side, and her doctors visit outfit. The rest of the time she’s just in a diaper and a swaddling blanket if she seems cold.

I am somewhat overwhelmed by everything, it has been a week of snatched sleep, and one day on/one day off energy levels, but I know I would be even more so if Lewis wasn’t able to be home with me as I have enough on my mind making sure she’s fed enough and sleeping okay (we have a work sheet to keep track of her feeding schedule and how many poopy/wet diapers she’s producing). Having Lewis home to change the occasional diaper or swaddle her (he’s much more skilled at it than I am), or hold her while I shower or go to the bathroom is a major reason I haven’t broken down yet. Feeding her is an ongoing adventure so far. She seems to have no set hunger schedule and can sleep much longer than recommended so I often have to wake her for a feed which then takes a while to get through.

On Saturday we had people over to socialize and meet Maeve in a more relaxed setting than the hospital and on Sunday I did nothing but try to feed her. On Monday, we had our first doctor’s visit and I got to fill out lots of forms for Maeve. After a few fretful days of worrying if I was feeding her enough etc it was immensely comforting to hear from Dr M that she is a healthy weight and has no signs of jaundice and that I’m “doing a good job, mommy”.

Hopefully by the time Lewis returns to work we’ll be a bit better prepared and organized around the house and I won’t be quite as exhausted. I’m also very thankful for all our amazing friends. Angela & Dugan leapt into action on the Big Day and bought us emergency diapers when we were housebound by exhaustion, V brought us an amazing dinner after a busy day out on Monday, Christina & Andy went to IKEA and picked up some stuff for us, Sarah (and Riley) are loaning us a stroller until we find one we like so we can go for walks (Maeve is still too small for the sling) and our boss at the studio made a huge and fantastic lasagna which we’ll be enjoying for days 🙂

I’m trying not to set myself up for disappointment and only setting myself small daily goals like ‘shower’, ‘post blog entry’, ‘call doctor office/health insurance’. Even skyping my parents or writing thank you cards etc are a somewhat daunting prospect, but hopefully they will be crossed off the list in the next few weeks.

I’m looking forward to getting into more of a schedule with the whole feeding thing so that I can pop Maeve in the stroller and get out and about for little walks, slowly return to a more active lifestyle. I don’t have huge amounts of surgical healing to deal with, but my knee needs me to take my time with getting back into any running etc. I was 181lbs on the morning I checked in with contractions, when I got home from the hospital 38hrs later I was down to 158. This morning, one week after I checked in I am 148lbs, which is what I was back in early April! Breast feeding is hard at times but clearly burns some hefty calories 🙂 It sounds vain to talk about weight loss and body image and the frustrations of being heavily pregnant and inactive when I have a beautiful little girl because of this pregnancy, but I know myself well enough to know that I’ll be better equipped to look after her if I look after myself too. I wouldn’t be doing her any favours by ignoring my own mental well being and exercise is a wonderful mood lifter (for me).

Baby’s First Big Adventure!

On Sunday 15th the hubster left for a week of work in Mountain View, CA installing a Microsoft set and I had a list of things to keep me busy.

On the evening of Monday 16th July after my usual mates date night I started having some mild period pain-like cramps. I put it down to the spicy gyro I’d eaten for dinner and went to bed.

On Tuesday, I went out to Target to start gathering some last minute baby stuff and stocking up the house supplies. It was a hot day, so I wanted to be home in the a/c and the cramping was occurring every couple of hours.  By the time I went to bed Tuesday evening (or attempted to at least) I decided I would keep track of the timing because they weren’t getting stronger or longer but they were getting closer together.

All the books and classes say “oh you’ll know when you’re having True Contractions rather than Braxton Hicks Contractions”. At this point I was thinking that maybe all the mild period pains and occasional tightening of my belly that I’d been thinking were Braxton Hicks were something else and that now I was actually finally having the false labor Braxton Hicks contractions.

At about 6:20am on Wednesday (after a night of no sleep) I called Lewis in California and told him he might want to try and get home to Chicago today. I told him I was going to go to the hospital and get check out, but that I fully expected to be sent home. At my last Drs appointment my cervix had been “high and closed with no expectations of delivering anytime soon”. My hospital bag was only partially packed and I had a long list of things still to do before baby’s arrival. Baby was not supposed to be arriving just yet!

At 7am I headed out to catch the bus to the hospital (I almost walked the 1.3miles, but it was already such a scorcher of a day I decided to enjoy the air conditioning on the bus) and by 7:25am I had checked in.

I explained to the nurses that my husband was in California and I just wanted to get looked at so that I could tell him to come home or not. I was taken in to an exam room and met a couple of nurses, a doctor (Doctor J) and 2 student doctors. The OB on call from my group was Dr McD who I’d met once 2 years ago and had no memory of meeting me. I was a little disappointed, but figured a) I’d be going home soon anyway and b)clearly there was going to be a bunch of doctors and nurses examining me so, y’know, whatever.

At around 8am when Dr J felt to see how far along I was I was already 4.5cm dilated. She asked how I was feeling and what my pain level was on a scale of 1-10. I said I was at about 2, it just felt like a medium strong period, not unbearable by any means. At some point it got out to some friends that I was at the hospital (I guess I texted Lewis that I was in labor and he spread the word? I honestly don’t remember) and Angela offered to come keep me company until Lewis arrived. I said yes please 🙂

I was moved into the delivery room, hooked up to an IV and blood pressure cuff which went off automatically every 15 minutes (it was kind of painful, the automatic ones always go just that bit too tight for me and add my carpal tunnel into the mix and my right hand was puffing up and turning purple every time 😦 you could literally see my hand deflate as the cuff released its grip!

At 11am I was given some soup (the first thing I’d eaten since middle of the night snacks). Angela was awesome and tried to get skype to work so that Lewis could stay in contact while he was flying home. We had a brief connection, but his picture was pixilated and the sound was too garbled. Having both my hands/arms connected to machinery made it tricky to text or check my phone.

I’m really glad Angela came along to keep me company. I probably wasn’t the best companion ever, getting distracted by contractions and practicing my breathing, exhausted from lack of sleep, having  to be interrupted every so often by Drs and nurses needing info from me.

At 1:45ish, we heard a loud cheer and round of applause as Lewis arrived at Labor & Delivery straight from the airport (many thanks to Dugan picking him up and then also running back to ours to grab my partially packed overnight bag!). Dr McD said I had been stalled at 7cm for a few hours now and that they’d let me take it slowly while we were waiting for Lewis, but that since he was here now we should get things moving along. He said if I had been this slow in a ‘normal situation’ he would be prepping me for a c-section at this point?! I was rather surprised at this, because really, I’d only been there for 6.5hrs and felt like things were moving along nicely. Anyway, they broke my water and I leaked unceremoniously for a while. It was pretty gross and embarrassing. Just laying there with pads and towels feeling like I was peeing myself while chatting with my friends and in-laws.

My pain level was still only around a 2 or 3 when they put me on pitocin to speed up my contractions. Oh boy did that work! They started coming on much stronger and longer. Before they had been lasting about a minute and coming every 5 or 6 minutes I think (Angela had been keeping track :P) but now the pain level shot up to about a 7, they lasted about the same I guess, but there was hardly any rest between them. My back was starting to hurt so I stood up and the nurse (Carole) raised the bed high enough that I could lean over it and sway my hips back and forth while Lewis did his best to massage my lower back and put pressure on my hips. They brought in a birthing ball which I had been thinking would be my best tool, but I tried it for about 10 seconds and returned to just leaning on the bed. I tried to focus on my breathing and Lewis was good about helping me keep my fluids up. Carole was wonderful about keeping me focused too. She didn’t pressure me to take the epidural or anything like the doctor, but an hour after the pitocin had kicked in the pain level was at about an 8/9 and I didn’t think I could handle any more. I needed to stand to ease the back pain, but my legs were starting to buckle under the strain of each contraction. In the brief break between contractions I felt somewhat okay and would think “maybe I can do this” and then the next contraction would come and it would hurt so bad. I caved. I got the epidural. I was and am disappointed in myself for needing it, but I had reached breaking point.

The anesthesiologist came and had me sign some papers for the epidural and I did my best to read them before blindly signing, but it was hard when my body was just saying ‘who cares about any side effects- just take the drug! NOW!’. I sat  on the bed and lewis stood in front of me and helped keep me from making any sudden movements. I know I jerked a little when the needle went in but I think that was as much to do with a contraction as anything. I felt the warmth flood my legs and was helped back into a laying down position. It took a while for the pain to truly go away but in general  I think the pain level went from a 9 down to a 2/3 very quickly. Apparently in the time the pitocin had been progressing me I’d jumped up to 9.5cm dilated so I was almost there. I threw up 😦 Lewis saw this and helped call for a nurse and clean me up rather than throwing up in response. I was very proud of him 🙂 He’s so squeamish I think he was more nervous about all the icky stuff that comes with delivery than me 🙂

Finally it was time to push. Dr McD kept telling me to put ‘pressure here’ and ‘push like you need to poop’ etc but I could only vaguely feel what was happening.  I was numb from the waist down so pushing ‘like I need to poop’ was bloody hard! I had no idea whether I was doing anything down there at all. In hindsight maybe having the mirror they offered would have been a good idea. As it was I occasionally caught a glimpse of my reflection in the tv screen which isn’t the same thing at all. I remember it feeling different down there when she was starting to crown and thinking ‘ok, now I have a base sensation to know if I’m pushing’, and then about 4 pushes later, at 6:16pm, there was a rush of something, a rush of me… emptying, and she was here! The doctor asked Lewis to say the magic words “It’s a girl!” and handed him the scissors saying “okay. Cut here.” Lewis had no choice but to go against his initial feelings and do as he was told and cut the cord. Again, I was surprised and very proud of him for actually doing it considering his absolute “no way” statements for the past months. In the space of half a minute I became a mum, but the enormity of that didn’t sink in until days later.

I got some skin to skin cuddle time with our new daughter, Maeve Alice, while they cleaned her up and checked her over, then they asked if they could take her away (and by away I mean 5 feet away to the other side of the room) for a few minutes to weigh her etc (7lbs 0oz, 19.75inches, blood type same as her mummy). Lewis went with her while I had my stomach massaged and I guess delivered the placenta. I say I guess, because I don’t remember hearing any mention of it and I know I didn’t see it (I was too busy trying to see Lewis and Maeve). I did hear that I had had no tearing but that I have a few hemorrhoids from pushing during delivery.  Then Maeve was given back to me and we had our first feed which was not super easy for either of us, but pretty amazing all the same.

At 7pm there was a shift change for the doctors and nurses so I met a fresh round of faces while I recovered and while Maeve had her first bath and met some important people (Nana, Auntie S, Uncle I, cousin Riley, Dugan & Angela. And Uncle T made a brief appearance a bit later too). It’s weird how squishy my belly feels after months of increasing firmness. I think it was about 9pm when most people had to start heading home and the first rumbles of thunder were heard. I was still really wobbly on my legs after the epidural (my right knee especially) and starting to get the shakes from a combination of adrenaline, epidural drugs wearing off, hunger and exhaustion (I’d been awake for 26+hrs by this point and had only had a 90minute nap before that). Lewis, Maeve and I were moved up to my Post Partum Recovery room and Dugan and Angela followed with some of my stuff. I had missed dinner time on the ward so we ordered out and I managed to nibble on some thai curry and crab Rangoon before finally getting some sleep at around 11pm while the storm blew outside.

So there we have it. The day our little stormbringer decided to make her arrival and make our little family. It was a long and unexpected and somewhat surreal day full of amused disbelief that any of it was actually happening. My birth plan had been completely forgotten until it was too late, I was a little bummed that my doctor wasn’t the one to help deliver Maeve but there were so many people in and out of my room that one more strange face was easy to shrug off. The important thing was that Lewis was there and he was amazing. And that Maeve is here and she is perfect.

In the midnight hour…

It’s 2:45am and I’m still awake. The contractions have started to get closer together, and I’m debating contacting Lewis. For most of the day they were coming every 1- 2 hours. I had a nap from 6:45ish until just after 8pm. When I decided to go to bed at midnight I started keeping track of the contractions and they are now about every 35minutes. They don’t last very long and mostly I’m annoyed because I just want to sleep for a few hours. I took some Tylenol at 2am in an attempt to dull the crampy-ness and let me doze for a little while.

I have a doctors appointment this afternoon so I’d like to hold out until then before I contact Lewis, because they could stay at the every half hour stage for a while longer. But maybe I’ll call him first thing in the morning with a status update anyway…

Meeting Mr Hicks

Last night I started having Braxton Hicks contractions big time.
For the past month or so I’ve had occasional ‘period pain’ like cramping and occasional tightening of the upper belly which was uncomfortable, but not painful. Last night when my friends were over for our weekly Monday night activities I started getting stronger ‘period pain’-like cramping around 11pm. It made my lower abdomen, thighs and my lower back ache. It eased up when I walked a little bit or drank some water or peed but it caught me off guard. Lewis is in California until Saturday evening for work so I’m keeping a fairly close track of how often I’m having these stronger BH contractions. So far they seem to be every hour and half or so, so I’m not too worried about them being “real” contractions yet.

Yesterday I was also very… mucous-y, when I went to the bathroom. No huge glob of reddish brown discharge as I was expecting for the release of the mucous plug, but still I think I might be losing it in smaller amounts. Thank goodness I have a doctors visit tomorrow, I am expecting to be told that I am starting to dilate and whatnot, but hopefully not too fast (!).

This morning I made a quick trip to the store for some baby stuff (receiving blankets, nursing pads) and household stuff just in case we get caught short. Today I will try to get a bit more of my hospital bag packed and prepared!

It’s all becoming very real all of a sudden!

Breastfeeding Class

So, originally months ago I figured I’d sign up for this and then I changed my mind, figuring there’ll be a lactation consultant at the hospital anyway to help me if I need it. But in our last Prepared Childbirth Class one of the women had said it was really helpful and totally worth $20 and 2hrs of an afternoon, so I signed up and went to yesterday’s session.

I figured Lewis didn’t need to come along to this class (the others classes were far more useful for both him and me, but breast feeding seemed less useful for him), although once we got there there were 7 pregnant women and only 2 of us were without our partners. Oh well. I’m still not sure how much the guys got from it except for a bit of background info.

I was hoping I’d see some familiar faces from previous classes, but nope. Our teacher from the other classes, Kim, did show up and sit at the back though and we had a quick chat during the break.
I was the closest to my due date (again- I guess I’m leaving these classes until the last minute :P), the next closest due dates were at the end of August and one women wasn’t due until October! I was also the only women waiting for the Big Reveal of baby’s gender.

The class started by talking about how as a society we’ve moved away from breast feeding as The Norm compared to when our own parents were having us, but how there is a strong trend to reverse this and encourage breast feeding to become acceptable again. My own personal reasons for choosing to breast feed are primarily financial, but the other reasons we discussed make sense too, I’m just not a full on ‘breast is best nazi’. Breastfeeding Groups/ doctors/ lactation consultants all say that breastfeeding for at least a full year is optimal but I will try to breast feed for 6months and see how it goes. My sister -in-law and a few friends were unable to breastfeed and I don’t think shaming women who can’t or choose not to breast feed is very useful. Let’s support new mothers whatever their choice. I found myself wondering about the other women in class and what their reasons were.

There was a brief moment when we discussed the birthing process too and I saw a few glances exchanged when c-sections were mentioned. US society  (and western society in general, I guess) has moved away from the majority of the natural part of pregnancy and childbirth. I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with a lot of the medical interventions and whatnot, but I think we should be allowed to remember that it can all be done without the drugs etc and has been done for thousands of years. I really wish I had had as many ultrasounds as Christina and got to see Baby Miller’s progress, but at the same time it’s just my own curiosity and excitement about seeing the baby, and not  medically needed so I can deal with it.

Anyway… back to breast feeding class: it was a somewhat whirlwind 2hr class and I didn’t take as many notes as in the other classes, but it was useful. It was reassuring as much as anything, as most of the classes have been- just confirming stuff I already feel and all that good stuff.

Un-Shower and Ninth Prenatal Visit!

 This past weekend was Angela’s “Un-Shower” for us 🙂

Sunday was a generally cooler day than the rest of the week (only 89F rather than 100F+), and we caught the train out to the ‘burbs. The train had no A/C and all the windows were closed so we were already sweaty by the time we arrived. Delightful.

The carnival theme was super cute and awesome and not at all ‘baby shower-y’.  Bunting, string lights, balloons & lanterns.  Games included: ring toss, balloon pop (and guess the gender), knock down the cans, duck pond, bouncy castle, balloon animals (!), and of course the usual piñata 🙂 Lewis and Ian even broke out the flaming juggling torches and devil sticks toward the end of the night!

Food was typical carnival fair: hot dogs and all the fixings, chips & dips, chex mix, sno cones, candy floss, cake pops… all tasty stuff 🙂

The official schedule was listed as 1pm-7pm but we got there closer to 12:30 and most people hung out until past 9:30pm! It was a long hot day. It was exhausting but lovely. I wanted to stay to help clear up but it was already late and Dugan needed to load up the car and get a bunch of us all home to the northside (not to mention the massive amount of gifts!).

So many people coming out to celebrate with us made it comparable to our wedding in my mind. I mean Angela throws a bunch of parties and not everyone can make it to all of them, but I felt so honored that so many people managed to make the trip out to the ‘burbs to spend the day playing games 🙂

The Prenatal Visit:
This evening I had another doctors appointment. I am 36.5weeks pregnant, weight is 178lbs (yikes!) and BP is 124/70. Truth be told I’m kind of depressed about my weight gain. I know I’m carrying a baby and I know I’m dealing with water retention and I know that the hospital scales might be calibrated slightly differently from my scales at home, but it still bums me out.
Today I had a Non Stress Test. They said it’s a routine test they do on women of Advanced Maternal Age, but that it’s just a one off and not a weekly thing. So they hooked me up to a couple of monitors and I lay down to ‘relax’ with the instructions to press the button every time I felt baby move. Except baby wasn’t moving too much so I wasn’t exactly ‘relaxed’. Today I have been having a lot of intestinal discomfort too so I had to focus really hard to guess whether what I felt was baby or bowel. After I don’t know how long, the doctor came in and made sure I knew when to come to Labor & Delivery and covered a few other things while I was still hooked up, she left for a few minutes before the nurse came back and unhooked me and had me undress from the waist down for the rest of my appointment. Apparently after looking at the graph they decided they weren’t happy with baby’s level of movement so I had to get hooked up again
. This time I drank some more water beforehand and baby seemed to perk up. Of course baby perked up even more back to usual wriggly-ness when I was done with everything and back in reception sorting out the next few weeks worth of appointments. So frustrating! At least when I was done my belly was doing it’s usual wonky thing so that added to the proof for my doctor that baby was moving around.
I had my first internal exam and while I am ‘carrying low’ and baby’s head is down, his/her head is still high and my cervix is still closed. This makes me feel *so* much better about Lewis going off to California for a week on Sunday. Dr W said that I should be fine for about 2 more weeks before we start seeing any change down there.
She was sympathetic about my swollen ankles and saluted Lewis’s efforts with foot rubs etc 🙂

So now I’m having appointments every week until baby miller’s arrival and we actually scheduled an appointment for August 9th (after my due date) just in case he/she is still hanging out and they need to check anything.

Confession: I actually had a mini breakdown when I went to bed after the not-at-all-relaxing ‘non stress test’, which even while I was sobbing with stress about already being a bad mum was telling myself that this probably wasn’t healthy for baby either. I just got so scared that I haven’t been looking after myself/baby well enough or something. I know I’ve felt baby move *a lot*, but having him/her be quiet and resting during a test of movement made me overly anxious. Now I am hyper aware of feeling for baby move. I will be doing lots of kick counts today to reassure myself.