Six Weeks.

This a post partum mile stone, I had my 6 week check up this week and got the all clear for resuming normal activities “everything is back to normal down there” 🙂 First they took my blood pressure (102/66) and weighed me (back down to 141lbs), then I filled in a short questionnaire about PPD .  It helped me see that even though the first few weeks were tough and I did worry about PPD I am generally feeling good and most of the anxiety I feel is within normal new parent range and that the bouts of sadness etc are relatively minor.
We discussed contraception choices during breastfeeding. If I wanted to go on the pill again I could go with a progesterone only pill or I can have an IUD or return to condoms. Frankly condoms are my preference.  If we want Maeve to have a sibling the pill and IUD require a time commitment to make sure they are effective and then for my body to resume stuff after use and we’re not going to want to wait 5 yrs before trying again.

The numbness in my knee has disappeared, yay! About a week or 2 ago I suddenly realized I was able to walk upstairs without thinking about it. 🙂 Apparently it wasn’t from the epidural (whew) but actually from the pushing and holding my knee tight. It put pressure on nerves that then needed time to recover.

I’m wearing my wedding ring again after taking it off around the 6month (?) mark. The weather was cooler on our anniversary a couple of weeks ago and I took the chance at seeing if my wedding ring would fit and it did! Huzzah! It is back to being a bit tight and difficult to remove again but that’s due to the usual summer temps.

I have mommy thumb. Now that I know why my hand hurts and better ways to lift my darling girl I’m hoping it will get better before she gains much more weight 🙂

I am feeling significantly more relaxed since my parents went home. I know that’s bad, but I just wasn’t able to relax when I needed to while they were in town. I felt that frustration of having to assist them in every little thing while they wanted to help me. Now that they are home I only have to think about me and Maeve, without having to try to figure out scheduling anyone else in for the most part.

Maeve has started to cry more often (and started to cry actual tears, which is heartbreaking) and eat more often and spit up a lot. It is frustrating. I have put it down to her reflux at night. She’s not sleeping at night so she gets fussy so then she comfort eats and spits up and that makes the reflux worse.

Yesterday we got her a new bed and she slept for 3 solid hours in it last night! She then woke up for a feed and I fell asleep with her, and then she was awake from 3:30-5am for her next feeds and diaper changes, but then she spent the rest of the night in her bed again and slept until 7am. This is a major improvement from 40 minutes of fussing and screaming in the bassinet before sleeping in our bed. Our bed is not big enough for 3 people (or even 2.5).  And she had fewer issues with her reflux (less grunting and fussing and less spitting up). She did go through 2 diapers in quick succession when she woke up, but I can live with that 🙂

We are enjoying a much calmer, happier day today.

I bought myself a new back pack that works much better as a diaper bag. Yesterday we bought the new bed and a new stroller so that Sarah and Riley can have theirs back. I feel like things are slowly coming together, but I read that weeks 6-8 are big crying weeks for babies as they figure some stuff out.
Other (less Maeve-related) stuff has also happened 🙂
Last weekend was V’s bachelorette weekend which was a lot of fun, if exhausting. Friday I tried to pump a bunch of milk and stock up (very difficult with Maeve being so fussy). In the evening she had some daddy-daughter time while I went out for some time with the girls and enjoyed a delightful dinner and Karaoke. It was truly fun to get dressed up and not have to think about when the little one was going to wake up for a feed or a change. And I had my first alcoholic drink since before I peed on that stick! I had half a bottle of cider during dinner which allowed me the 4 hour window before Maeve’s middle of the night feed.

On Saturday, we bundled into Angela’s car and drove to Oak Park where we had brunch before heading out to the ‘burbs for Andy’s birthday party. It was another fun day, but I got tired fairly early. I guess the party went on until really late but I’m glad Maeve and I hitched a ride back to the city because we would have both got frustrated and cranky.

Sunday was V’s bridal shower back at Angela’s. Speaking as a guest, it was a really great party. Even though it’s still August and summer I didn’t mind that it was raining for most of the day, once we got past the initial uncomfortably muggy feeding session Maeve and I enjoyed snuggling up together and listening to the rain. She also enjoyed being cuddled by anyone who would have her for the most part 🙂

I was expecting Lewis to be swinging by the house on his way home from a boys day out so hung out with the girls before Lewis said that they had spent the day up on our end of town and wouldn’t be coming by OP. Sigh. Maeve was getting fretful so I bundled her up, loaded up the stroller and headed to the train. Three blocks in a torrential downpour. I felt ill-prepared and a terrible mother. Maeve was completely fine protected from the rain in her buggy, while I got soaked to the skin and struggled not to sob uncontrollably. I’m glad it was warm at least and not windy, I’m also glad that the train wasn’t heavily air-conditioned. She was actually calmed to sleep by the rain on the buggy’s canopy and the rumble of the train as we made our way home. I just beat myself up about not having the appropriate stuff for such a situation. By the time I got home I was tired, wet and miserable, but at the same time I was relieved that Maeve had slept through the entire adventure and hadn’t got rained on or cold. Lewis gave her a bottle and got her ready for bed, while I had a nice hot shower and cup of tea. It’s amazing how much better I felt after those little things. I was upset that Lewis hadn’t been with me on the ride home as I had expected, but it would have been silly for him to come all the way out to OP just to ride home with me. I would have been waiting around for at least half an hour and we would have got home much later and then we’d have both been soaked through and miserable. This way at least he was able to do some stuff around the house and look after us when we got home.

 I have managed to get some decent walking in this week. Still no running, but I’m trying to make my peace with that for now.
When I walk to Target I try to switch up my route a little and explore some of the side streets and see if there are any pretty houses for sale.
I finally bought my bridesmaid dress for V’s wedding (whew) and I am catching up on my To Do List which feels really good. I am going to treat myself to an old school radio with a tape player with some birthday money, because I like to listen to the radio and I have some tapes that I’d like to enjoy once in a while.

…………and miss Maeve has just woken up for her lunchtime feed so I guess I’m done for now 🙂 chat later folks